We thought we would bring you something positive here, because we care about Nebraska, and we believe it’s capable of so much better than what we see in the media. That’s why we stay in a state that is hostile toward women, members of the LGBTQIA community, people who are Black, Latino and Indigenous, and…
The Latest
Nebraska Hate Groups
There are many hate groups in Nebraska, including Neo-Nazi, white supremacist and other extremist organizations. But first, what defines a hate group? It’s a term you hear so often, that the meaning might be a bit hazy, so here we go: The Southern Poverty Law Center defines a hate group as an organization or collection…
Condolences to Seeing Red Nebraska
We are so sorry to hear that Ben Kroeze, husband of one of the founders of Seeing Red Nebraska, tragically lost his life in a car accident. He sounds like he was an incredible human being. If you would like to contribute to his family, a fund has been set up for this purpose.
A Win for Plattsmouth
Congratulations to the people of Plattsmouth, who voted to recall school board member, Terri Cunningham-Swanson, for her extremist views. Terri came to office with views driven by conspiracy theories and stances contradicted by not only reality, but hypocrisy. She conned plenty of people into believing her “cause” but not enough. With a vote of 1,649…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 10
Since Terri Cunningham-Swanson claimed to be so keen on protecting minors, it was interesting to see that one of the main people she and her followers have been attacking is a young man by the name of Jayden Speed. Jayden was a student who graduated from an adjacent school district and political science major brought…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 9
Within less than two weeks of the first petition just barely missing the threshold of signatures needed, another Plattsmouth resident filed a second petition. Terri and her folks were moving goal posts and adding to their rhetoric, while Sarah Slattery led a new charge to recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson. Second Recall Attempt During the first couple…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 8
August started off with people enduring record-level heat to make the petitions to recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson available for signature. Meanwhile, Terri was getting more than famous. She was getting infamous. Infamous enough to be invited to speak to fellow hypocrites and conspiracy theorists! Terri’s Word Salad Terri was booked for various speaking engagements, such as…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 7
Welcome! We’ve been writing about the saga of Terri Cunningham-Swanson, who was elected to the Plattsmouth School Board in November of 2022 and arrived in January of 2023 ready to ban some books. Why was she banning books? Because she equated them with pornography. Read Dirty to Me This has been a favorite agenda of…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 6
Happy New Year! We took a break, but 2024 is here and we’ve got our eyes on many things. Our legislature returns to session today and we’re in a presidential election year. It’s about to get even wilder. We don’t want it to, but we’re realists. Now, let’s get back to the rest of the…
Recall Terri Cunningham-Swanson: Part 5
Hello again, friends! We cannot believe how many folks have noticed us, particularly senpai – Seeing Red! As always, we recommend you check them out if you haven’t already, because they give a straightforward perspective on what’s happening in this state. All of us believe Nebraska is worth fighting for, and that’s why we do…