Nebraska county GOP groups around the state have fully embraced the alt-right mentality, to the extent that no self-respecting Republican wants to be associated with them. Cass, Douglas, Sarpy and Saunders Counties are prime examples of this shift in mentality from traditional conservatism to hardline tactics and beliefs that bear striking similarities with Hitler’s fascist…
Fellow Humans
Independence from the Culture War
What, exactly, is this culture war the far right imagines they’re fighting? And why do they believe so strongly that they are in a war for the future of their country? There is a clear divide of “Us vs. Them” and of freedom-loving people vs. controlling fanatics who have devised plans to destroy every aspect…
A Rural Survival Guide
So you’re stuck living in rural Nebraska, probably because you’re a teenager, migrant worker, or a woman married to an angry white man. Perhaps you are living with depression or anxiety in one of our extensive mental health care deserts, or think you can’t seek help because there’s a stigma attached to a man seeking…
The Good Life for All Nebraskans
We thought we would bring you something positive here, because we care about Nebraska, and we believe it’s capable of so much better than what we see in the media. That’s why we stay in a state that is hostile toward women, members of the LGBTQIA community, people who are Black, Latino and Indigenous, and…
Condolences to Seeing Red Nebraska
We are so sorry to hear that Ben Kroeze, husband of one of the founders of Seeing Red Nebraska, tragically lost his life in a car accident. He sounds like he was an incredible human being. If you would like to contribute to his family, a fund has been set up for this purpose.