A visit to the Cass County Fair was in order last weekend for a couple of reasons. First, after seeing what the Cass County GOP booth looked like:
Well, yours truly had to see it in person. “Lookin good”? I asked some folks and the consensus is that it looked like the Gates to Hell. Also, isn’t that the red that Handmaids wear? Are these weirdos trying to tell us something?
Second, Linda Vermooten, candidate for Nebraska State Board of Education was there, and I had questions for her. The problem is, she turned out to be the most unpleasant person I have ever met (considering Linda Vermooten believes public schools rape our children, it might be hard to believe she could be even more unpleasant in person). I probably should have expected that. She refused to respond to a question about book banning, and glared at me for about sixty seconds before shaking her head and walking away with her rather odd little cult of followers.
Perhaps she was afraid she would catch the critical thinking cooties from me.
I also got to meet Terri Cunningham-Swanson when I picked up and asked about the literature at the Cass County GOP table. There is something emanating from Terri that I can’t explain. An “ick factor” for lack of a better term.
Meeting the people involved in her recall was the highlight of my day. Each of them is as friendly and fun in person as they are online. In comparing the Cass County Fair to the Sarpy County Fair, I had more fun in Cass. Probably because I had so much to talk about with the folks I met there. It was an honor to put faces to names and hear how the experience of fighting a book banning school board member brought them together.
A couple of dedicated readers also reported to me that the sensitive snowflakes at the Cass County GOP blocked them and hid their comments from their Facebook page. In particular, those who commented on Linda Vermooten’s desire to take education and progress back 100 years, informed me that they had been blocked from the Cass County GOP page:

First of all, thank you for the shout-out! Second, the problem with going back 100 years is you then go back to women, Black people and Indigenous people not having the vote, and what’s to stop the country from going back even further, 200 years? Do we really need more kids idolizing a child rapist?
To the grooming of young Nazis by the GOP and MAGA, we say no thank you. To the person who left this comment, we see it was hidden by the Cass County GOP. Do you remember Jack Nicholson yelling “You can’t handle the truth!” in A Few Good Men?
No worries friends. We’ve got you. The Cass County GOP is just spewing their usual conspiracy theory drivel – a reminder that the sooner rational, common sense Republicans stand up to them, the better.
P.S. To the GOP and MAGAs, maybe not do weird things, like carrying around cups of fake Vance jizz?